Monday, March 10, 2008

The Kite & The Crow

The other day I was walking down the road when I saw something, something that sparked a dormant thought that lay buried deep in the remote recesses of my mind. A kite was soaring not so high up in the sky & seemed very troubled, all of a sudden a shot of black over the scene...three crows working in tandem attacking the kite & exiting the scene in perfect precision. None of the crows flew the same trajectory each one different, each one erratic. This caused a lot of confusion the kite could not keep up with them. Eventually the kite moved to a higher elevation & that patch of sky went calm once more. It made me wonder of nothing great or pioneering in nature but of the simple & widely used concept..Teamwork.. In my opinion the kite is a preadatory bird & their aerodynamics are finely tuned as compared to the common crow. As far as size goes the kite is bigger than the crow too. Still a big & efficient bird of prey made off on account of the teamwork displayed by the crows who in comparison were much smaller. Hmm such a waste of someone's time you would be thinking but this is for those who think otherwise.
Similarities can be pointed to begin with between humans & the crow...not the biggest mammals around however due to or persistant teamwork we have achieved the tag "supreme species" Thanks to our unusually large brains & intellectual capabilities that are bursting at its seams we have taken on the biggest kites of our kind & succeded. Well it's all good so's where similarities between crows & us ends...atleast the ones I would like to point out.
Us humans are like a chess player who does not know how to play the game all that well. Someone thought you how to make tried succeded in winning a couple of moves..assumed the game is bagged. Then all of a sudden you realise that the opposite player was on a roll the entire time & was learning your moves & you played yourself into a trap...checkmate...Afterall the kite was not defeated he just took to a higher altitude.

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